DataWorks empowers residents and communities with the research and mapping tools needed to resist displacement and self-determine prosperous futures. For the last two years, the organization has supported the Walltown Community Association’s organizing efforts around the redevelopment of Northgate Mall by analyzing surveys, facilitating focus groups and planning retreats, and making visible through maps the aspects of neighborhood life most critical to our cause (ex: property taxes, median income, home sale prices). As Walltown residents lobbied local elected officials to help preserve community wealth, the DataWorks team worked with us to show the historical connection between communities that were redlined in the 1930s and those experiencing dramatic rises in property taxes due to gentrification. As we have advocated for affordable housing, it was DataWorks’ insightful research that allowed us to highlight the disparity between what is affordable based on HUD’s AMI standards and what is affordable based on the median income in the Walltown community. More than just providing us with tools, they have been invaluable thought partners in determining how best to leverage data and maps towards our organizing goals.