Originally launched in May 2014, the Neighborhood Compass has been used by thousands of folks to learn more about neighborhoods in Durham, to find meaningful connections for community programs, and to guide initiatives aimed at improving quality of life. Now it is updated to include more than 50 key measures of neighborhood life, from 1970 to the present.
With this release the Compass integrates deeper historical knowledge with present-day experiences, sourcing neighborhood information from as far back as 1970 (in the case of Census demographics) and from as recent as April 2018 (when measures related to licensed child care centers and health clinic locations were most recently updated). Much of this information can be seen in annual increments starting in 2012 when the project first began.
You can get started exploring neighborhood information by typing an address into the map’s address search and then exploring topics like health, housing, the economy, safety and more. This release includes new data sourced from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (median homebuyer income), Durham County Sheriff’s Department (eviction filings), and Lincoln Community Health (homes near health clinics).
For each measure you’ll find Additional Resources highlighting related research, local services, and organizations working for positive change in Durham.
This Neighborhood Compass release also marks the first annual update by DataWorks, which is a non-profit partnership supported by the City of Durham, Durham County and Duke’s Social Science Research Institute. DataWorks is a member of the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership.
For more information follow the Compass on Twitter @DurhamCompass or visit http://www.dataworks-nc.org.

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