I have worked with DataWorks in my capacity as a member of the Bragtown Community Association over the past couple of years. I am continually amazed by the generosity of this organization, who has done so much to support our group in being able to more clearly understand the nuances of our current housing crisis in Durham, and the specific situation here in our neighborhood. I deeply appreciate the careful attention DataWorks offers to the experiences of residents who have been most impacted by histories of housing inequity and current residents who are impacted by gentrification . The rigorous attention to detail regarding relevant data combined with a dedication to working in support of and in solidarity with community groups while allowing impacted community members to “steer the ship” of a specific project is truly remarkable. Access to information about housing is truly life changing in that it illuminates how this system works and gives impacted residents tools to address potential harm by being able to see the bigger picture more clearly. I LOVE DataWorks and admire the dedication of the DataWorks team and the integrity of the work they do. Thank you!